Monday 2 January 2012

Cheese On Toast / Welsh Rarebit Week

Off we go again, road-testing six different ways of producing comfort food favourite "cheese on toast". For simplicity's sake it will be known as Welsh Rarebit from now on....
Six different versions of a favourite recipe. The Scrambled Egg Week was great fun, so we're off again, slapping cheese onto toast, together with various other ingredients, and using different ways of cooking the whole lot to produce a childhood memory meal.
The draw was carried out earlier, and the order of the week will be:
Day One - Perfect Welsh Rarebit (where "perfect Welsh Rarebit" is entered into Google, and the first recipe is used). This time the recipe is provided by Country Life Dot Co Dot UK. This is first up, later today.
Day Two - James Martin. The winner of the Scrambled Egg challenge, will photogenic Mister Martin retain his crown?
Day Three - The Foody Dot Com. A gastronome's website present their own special take on our recipe.
Day Four - Sue Marchant. Sue is a BBC Radio Norfolk DJ, presenting the evening show in great style. Indeed, it was Sue who suggested we try "cheese on toast" recipes, and she emailed her own unique version to Norfolk Single Dad last week.
Day Five - Delia Smith. Let's be having ya Delia! After narrowly avoiding relegation with her scrambled egg, Mrs Reliable is back to try and regain lost kudos.
Day Six - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. Somewhat of a wildcard, who knows how modern-day Good Life devotee Hugh will perform? Will River Cottage be top of the pops?
The ingredients are collected (see pic), the recipes are printed. Good luck everyone!

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