Wednesday 28 December 2011

Scrambled Egg Challenge - Part 3 of 6 - Jamie Oliver

How will Saint Jamie match up?….
According to Mr Oliver “This recipe is fresh and fab!” Was he right?
The instructions WERE very simple, much like Jamie Oliver himself. However there were several distinct echoes of Delia’s Way, especially the phrase “to get right into the corners”. I guess there are only so many ways to describe how to cook eggs, but if you’re going to plagiarise shouldn’t you at least change the odd word here and there? The method included - like Delia - turning off the heat to allow the final cooking to be done by the already hot pan itself, which gives you time to butter your toast (I don’t think this is a euphemism). No mention of seasoning until the very end, when you “pour” your eggs over the toast. All is good, self-explanatory, does just what it says on the tin.
However, at this point there is a massive difference from Days 1 & 2. With Jamie Oliver’s recipe you drape smoked salmon over the whole dish and serve with lemon wedges. Deeeeee-flippin-licious! I suspect that the scores may reflect Jamie’s sneaky additional ingredient……
The scores on the doors:
Taste - 4 - Smoked salmon puts the taste of this offering way ahead of the others, can anybody match this, or even improve on it?
Texture - 3.5 - Not too much strict instruction on how long to whisk etc, so I just did it until the egg mixture was a uniform colour and thickness. It worked well though and the cooked egg was lovely. The moistness of the salmon helped make Jamie Oliver’s version more varied and much better than earlier competitors.
Ease/Effort - 3.5 - A short recipe which was perfectly easy to follow. Thankfully, a complete lack of typical Jamie Oliver mockney claptrap that he constantly spouts on his telly shows.
Total score = 11 out of 15. An additional ingredient proved to be Oliver‘s secret weapon, and he comfortably tops the half-time table. Shame about the bits he “allegedly” borrowed from one of his rivals. I'm not a fan of Jamie's but this was the best so far by several shakes of a salmon's tail.
Results so far:
11 - Jamie Oliver
9.5 - Mr Breakfast
8.5 - Delia Smith
Tomorrow - Waitrose Dot Com Food & Drink
Thursday - Nigella Lawson
Friday - James Martin

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